英语四级翻译真题汇总2019-2021(English CET-4 Translation Test Collection (2019-2021))

English CET-4 Translation Test Collection (2019-2021)


In order to better prepare for the English CET-4 exam, it is important to understand the types of translation questions that have been asked in previous years. This collection of translation test questions from the years 2019-2021 provides a comprehensive overview of the different kinds of texts and translation challenges students may encounter on the exam.

Section I: Everyday Life and Society

This section of the translation test often includes passages related to current events or everyday topics, such as food, travel, health, and relationships. One example from 2019 asks students to translate a news article about a new policy regarding waste sorting in China. Another from 2020 discusses the benefits and drawbacks of living in a small town versus a big city. These passages typically require strong knowledge of both vocabulary and idiomatic expressions related to the given topic. Additionally, students must be able to accurately convey the tone and meaning of the original text while adhering to the proper grammar and style rules of the target language.

Section II: Science and Technology

This section of the translation test often includes passages related to scientific studies, technological advancements, and engineering challenges. One example from 2020 asks students to translate a passage discussing the future of artificial intelligence and its potential impact on the job market. Another from 2021 discusses the role of technology in environmental conservation efforts. These passages often require a strong understanding of technical vocabulary and scientific terminology, as well as the ability to explain complex concepts in a clear and concise way. Students must also be able to accurately translate numbers, statistics, and data from the original text.

Section III: History and Literature

This section of the translation test often includes passages related to historical events, literary works, and cultural topics. One example from 2019 asks students to translate a passage discussing the cultural significance of Chinese folktales. Another from 2021 discusses the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. and his impact on the Civil Rights Movement in the United States. These passages often require strong knowledge of cultural references and historical context, as well as the ability to accurately convey the figurative language and nuance of the original text. Additionally, students must be able to recognize and translate literary techniques such as metaphor, symbolism, and allusion.


Overall, the English CET-4 Translation Test requires a strong command of both languages and a wide range of skills, including vocabulary, grammar, style, and cultural awareness. By studying the types of translation questions that have been asked in previous years and practicing various translation techniques, students can better prepare themselves for success on the exam.


