英雄难度玛克扎尔王子(The Difficulty of Prince Malzahar - Conquering the Challenges of a Complex Cha

The Difficulty of Prince Malzahar - Conquering the Challenges of a Complex Champion

As a champion in League of Legends, Malzahar is known for his complex skill set, unique playstyle and high level of difficulty. As a player, mastering the Prince of the Void can be a challenging feat, but with dedication and practice, he can be an incredibly powerful asset to any team. In this article, we will explore the intricacies of Malzahar's abilities and offer tips on how to overcome the difficulties that come with playing him.

The Complexity of Malzahar's Abilities

Malzahar's skill set is unconventional, and mastering it requires familiarity with his voidlings and careful positioning. His passive, Void Shift, allows him to avoid damage after a few seconds of not taking damage. This can help him stay alive during difficult fights, but it also requires him to be aware of when he is being targeted. His Q ability, Call of the Void, is a delayed area-of-effect spell that can deal significant damage if used correctly. Mastering its range, timing and placement takes time, but the pay-off can be immense.

Malzahar's W, Void Swarm, is the key to his effectiveness. This ability spawns a voidling to fight alongside him, which can be a powerful ally in team fights. Careful attention must be paid to positioning, as the voidling will attack whatever is closest to it. This can make the difference between winning or losing an engagement.

Malzahar's ultimate, Nether Grasp, is a powerful tool for locking down enemy champions. However, it requires Malzahar to be close to his target and can be interrupted easily. Proper usage of the ability involves predicting enemy movements, waiting for the right moment, and perfect timing to avoid being interrupted.

Tips for Mastering Malzahar

The key to mastering Malzahar is practice. Focus on building up your game sense and on learning the ins and outs of each of his abilities. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Positioning is key. Be aware of your surroundings and the enemy team's abilities.
  • Learn your limits. Malzahar has a limited mana pool, so be aware of how much mana you have and how much you need for each ability.
  • Use your voidlings to your advantage. They can be a powerful ally in team fights, but they can also be targeted easily by the enemy team.
  • Pay attention to your passive, Void Shift. It can save your life in a difficult situation.
  • Practice your timing. Malzahar's abilities are heavily reliant on good timing and prediction.


Mastering Malzahar is a challenge, but it is a challenge that can be overcome. By focusing on positioning, timing, and proper usage of his abilities, players can take advantage of this powerful champion's unique playstyle. Whether you're new to League of Legends or a veteran player, playing as Malzahar can be a fun and rewarding experience. So go forth and conquer the void!


虚空之遗开场cg 黄旭东解说(虚空之遗的开场CG:听黄旭东解说这个壮丽的世界)
