英语短篇笑话带翻译(Not So Bright)

Not So Bright

The Lost Wallet

One day, a man lost his wallet. He searched for it everywhere, but couldn't find it. He went to the police station and reported it missing. The officer asked him, \"Are you sure you lost your wallet here?\" to which the man replied, \"No, I lost it at an entirely different place, but it's brighter here, so I thought I might have a better chance of finding it.\"

Math Challenge

A teacher asked her students, \"If there are 10 birds on a tree and you shoot one, how many will be left?\" One student answered, \"None, because they will all fly away.\" The teacher replied, \"Well, that's not the answer I was looking for, but I like the way you think.\" Another student asked, \"Can I ask a question too?\" The teacher said yes. The student then asked, \"If there are three women eating ice cream cones, one is licking, one is biting and one is sucking, which one is married?\" The teacher was taken aback and asked, \"Why on earth would you ask such a question?\" The student calmly replied, \"Because the one who's sucking is wearing a wedding ring!\"

Brain Power

A guy walks into a bar and orders a drink. He then notices a big jar filled with money on the counter. He asks the bartender what it's for, and the bartender tells him it's part of a \"Brain Power\" contest. The guy asks how it works, and the bartender explains, \"You put $10 in the jar, and I'll ask you three questions. If you answer all of them correctly, you get the whole jar.\" The guy thinks it sounds easy, so he decides to give it a try. He puts $10 in the jar and waits for the bartender to ask him the first question. The bartender looks him in the eye and asks, \"What is the Capital of France?\" The guy thinks for a moment and says, \"Berlin.\" The bartender shakes his head and says, \"Sorry, you're wrong. It's Paris.\" The guy says, \"Ah, well, I guess I didn't know that one.\" The bartender then asks, \"What is the Capital of Germany?\" The guy answers, \"Paris.\" The bartender shakes his head and says, \"No, it's Berlin.\" The guy says, \"Oh, I see what you're doing. You're mixing me up!\" The bartender then asks, \"What is the Capital of China?\" The guy thinks for a moment and says, \"Beijing.\" The bartender nods and says, \"Correct! You win.\" The guy then asks, \"Hey, what if I had gotten all three answers right?\" The bartender responds, \"Well, you'd have won the jar.\" The guy looks at the jar and asks, \"So, how much is in there anyways?\" The bartender grins and says, \"Oh, about $200. But don't worry, nobody's ever won all three questions!\" 翻译:





一位老师问她的学生,“如果树上有10只鸟,你射杀其中一只,还剩几只?” 一个学生回答说:“没有了,因为它们都会飞走。”老师回答:“嗯,那不是我要找的答案,但我喜欢你的思维方式。” 另一个学生问:“我也可以问一个问题吗?”老师说是的。学生接着问道:“如果有3个女人在吃冰淇淋,一个在舔,一个在咬,一个在吮,哪个是已婚的?”老师惊呆了,问道:“你为什么会问这样的问题?”学生平静地回答:“因为吮的那个带着结婚戒指!”


一位家伙走进酒吧点了一杯酒。看到吧台上有一个大玻璃罐里装满了钱。他问酒保它是什么,酒保告诉他,这是 “脑力大挑战”比赛的一部分。“你把10美元放进去,我会问你三个问题。如果你全部回答正确,你就可以得到整个罐子里的钱。”那个家伙认为这听起来很简单,所以他决定尝试一下。他把10美元塞进罐子里,等着酒保问他第一个问题。酒保看着他的眼睛问道:“法国的首都是哪里?”那个人想了一会儿,说:“柏林。”酒保摇摇头说:“抱歉,你错了。它是巴黎。”那人说:“啊,我猜我不知道那个。”酒保随后问:“德国的首都是哪里?”那个家伙回答:“巴黎。”酒保摇摇头说:“不,在柏林。”那个人说:“哦,我明白你在做什么了。你把我搞混了!”酒保接着问:“中国的首都是哪里?”那人思考了一会儿说:“北京。”酒保点点头说:“对的!你赢了。”那人接着问道:“嘿,如果我三个问题的答案全部正确会怎样呢?”酒保回答说:“好吧,你会赢得整个罐子。”那个人看着罐子问道:“那么,里面有多少钱呢?” 酒保微笑着说,“哦,大约200美元。但不用担心,从未有人答对全部三个问题!”


