结束的英文单词怎么读(How to Pronounce the Ending of English Words)

How to Pronounce the Ending of English Words


When learning English, pronunciation can often be a challenging aspect to master. One area in particular that can cause confusion is how to pronounce the endings of words. Whether it's -ed, -s, or -es, there are different rules to follow depending on the word and its context. In this article, we will explore some of the most common endings and how to pronounce them correctly.

-ed Ending Words

When it comes to verbs in the past tense, the -ed ending can be pronounced in three different ways: /t/, /d/, or /ɪd/. The rule is as follows: - If the verb ends in an unvoiced consonant (e.g. p, k, s, sh), then the -ed ending is pronounced /t/. For example, \"jumped\" is pronounced like \"jump-t\". - If the verb ends in a voiced consonant (e.g. b, g, v, z, l), then the -ed ending is pronounced /d/. For example, \"grabbed\" is pronounced like \"grab-d\". - If the verb ends in a vowel sound or a voiced consonant sound (e.g. love, breathe), then the -ed ending is pronounced /ɪd/. For example, \"loved\" is pronounced like \"love-d\".

-s and -es Ending Words

For plural nouns, the general rule is to add -s or -es to the end of the word, depending on its spelling. However, the pronunciation can differ depending on the final consonant sound: - If the noun ends in an unvoiced consonant (e.g. k, p, s), then the -s ending is pronounced /s/. For example, \"books\" is pronounced like \"book-s\". - If the noun ends in a voiced consonant (e.g. b, g, v, z, l), then the -s ending is pronounced /z/. For example, \"dogs\" is pronounced like \"dog-z\". - If the noun ends in a hissing or buzzing sound (e.g. ch, sh, s, x), then the -es ending is added and pronounced /ɪz/. For example, \"boxes\" is pronounced like \"box-iz\". It's important to note that there are some irregular plural nouns, such as \"children\" and \"sheep\", that don't follow these general rules.


Mastering English pronunciation takes time and practice. By understanding the rules for how to pronounce the endings of words, you can improve your overall English speaking skills. Remember to pay attention to the final consonant sound and whether it is voiced or unvoiced. With these tips in mind, you'll be on your way to speaking English with confidence.


