
Sudden changes in your life can open up periods of free time that you didn't have previously. Filling in your free time with useful pursuits is a way to increase your creativity, energy, enthusiasm, and sense of fulfillment from life. Try spending your free time developing a new hobby, learning a new language, volunteering with a local group, or joining a social organization!


Method 1, Picking Up New Skills

1.Take an adult-education or community college class. Use your free time as an opportunity to pick up knowledge that has no direct bearing on your job or career advancement. Immerse yourself into learning these things for the sake of learning them, without having the pressure to achieve beyond the goals you've set for yourself.

For example, maybe you've always fancied yourself getting involved in archaeology, ballroom dancing, jewelry making, wilderness first aid, or hang-gliding.

Look for local clubs using the Meetup app or website to connect with other people.


1. 参加成人教育或社区大学课程。 利用你的空闲时间来学习与你的工作或职业发展没有直接关系的知识。为了学习这些东西,让自己沉浸在学习这些东西的过程中。为了实现自己设定的目标,不要给自己以压力。



2. Take up gardening. Gardening is a great way to pass your free time and to use your hands to make food for your family and friends. Cacti are amazing plants that grow gorgeous flowers, and they're almost impossible to kill. Or you could try herbs, which are easy to grow and fun to use in cooking or in crafts.

If you're already an experienced gardener, redesign your garden or change your approach to what you grow in it. Try branching out and creating a meditation garden or a Persian garden.

2. 从事园艺工作。 园艺是打发空闲时间和动手为家人和朋友做食物的好方法。仙人掌是一种神奇的植物,能开出美丽的花朵,它们生命力旺盛。或者你可以试试草本植物,它们很容易种植,在烹饪或手工艺品中使用它们是一种乐趣。


3.Turn cooking into a fun activity instead of a chore. Cooking new recipes is a fun way to pass time when it's done for pleasure instead of necessity. Pull out a cookbook and try some new recipes. Or look in your fridge and cupboards, then search online for a recipe that uses those very ingredients (for example, search for "broccoli pineapple jalapeño recipes.")[2]

Spend an afternoon baking and learning how to use new techniques that you've never tried before.

Once you've honed a few tasty recipes, throw a casual dinner party for people you really care about.

3.把做饭变成一项有趣的活动,而不是一件家务。 当烹饪是为了乐趣而不是必不可少的过程时,烹饪新的食谱是一个有趣的用来打发时间的方式。拿出一本食谱,试试新的食谱。或者看看你的冰箱和橱柜,然后在网上搜索一个使用现有原料的食谱(例如,搜索“西兰花菠萝辣椒食谱”。)



4. Learn a new language. Picking up a new language is a great way to engage your mind during your free time.[3] It can help you understand foreign cultures and learn about different parts of the world. Pick up a copy of a language-acquisition book online or at your local library. You can also read magazines and books, or watch movies and TV in the language you’re learning to make learning the language more fun.

Learning a new language will also enable you to communicate with people in your community who may not speak English.

4.学习一门新语言。 学习一门新的语言是一种很好的方式,它可以让你在空闲的时候集中精神。它可以帮助你了解外国文化,了解世界各地。你可以在网上或当地的图书馆找到一本语言习得书。你也可以阅读杂志和书籍,或者用你正在学习的语言看电影和电视,使学习语言更加有趣。


5. Take up painting or drawing as a hobby. Making art is a great way to spend your free time: you can express yourself and pick up a new skill. Try out different types of painting, including acrylics, enamel, frescoes, inks, oils, water miscible oils, pastels and dry pastels, spray paint (graffiti), or watercolor. If you’re more interested in drawings, pick up a sketch pad and some charcoal.

For example, art and craft is filled with ideas for possible hobby angles; within painting alone you could investigate.

Visit your local art-supply store or hobby shop for supplies.

5.把绘画作为一种爱好。 创作艺术品是一种打发空闲时间的好方法:你可以用艺术表达自己,学会一项新技能。你可以尝试不同类型的绘画,包括丙烯酸树脂、搪瓷、壁画、墨水、油、水溶性油、粉彩和干粉彩、喷漆(涂鸦)或水彩画。如果你对绘画更感兴趣的话,拿一个画板和一些木炭。




