异界唯一的男人(The Lone Male Savior in a Realm Beyond)

The Lone Male Savior in a Realm Beyond

The Arrival

In a world where the balance of power lays in the hands of countless women, a man appears out of nowhere. His arrival was not preceded by any known prophecy or divine revelation, neither was he a herald of some great threat. He was just a lone adventurer, an anomaly in a land where men are rare, and those who exist are often subjugated or hostilely dominated by women. His mere existence sets the women squabbling and curious, and the danger that he brought to their world was yet to be seen.

The Quest

As the only male in the realm, the adventurer bears the monumental responsibility of ensuring the continuity of their race. While the women mostly accepted his presence and even regarded him as an oddity, there were those who sought to use him as a pawn for their own means. He was chased and followed, received various proposals of marriage, from beautiful princesses to fugly witches, to take part in different disputes and power struggles. But the adventurer refused them all, for he has but one goal in mind: find a way to return to his own world. Not content with living as a mere oddity, he ventures to the depths of this world, exploring ruins and solving mysteries to gather knowledge and the means to cross over. For every piece of knowledge that he acquires, he also grows in strength, and in time becomes the very symbol of hope for those that see him. He lays the foundation of friendship with those he meets, and earns the respect of the most powerful matriarchs. The adventurer becomes the sole savior of the realm, and yet, his quest for a way out goes on.

The Departure

Time passed, and the adventurer's quest bore fruit. He found the key to return to his world, in the form of an elixir, a product of his alchemy and the knowledge from his journey. A few women offered to come with him, yet he refused them. He had no interest in taking women from their world, even if it meant he could change the fate of the land. He realized that the most he could do for the women was not to save them, but to give them hope that they could save themselves. And so, he stood in front of the portal between the two worlds, staring at the unseen horizon beyond. It was then that he realized that his journey here was not futile. He has met people from all walks of life, encountered situations that demanded his leadership, and saved lives that needed saving. The adventurer had at last found a sense of purpose in this world, and so, with a happy heart, he stepped through the portal and vanished from the land.


